by Laura Winter
1 October 2024
Investment Bonds An Investment Bond offers medium to long-term growth (5-10+ years) and access to a wide variety of funds. As with all investments, its value can fluctuate, and you may not recover the full amount invested. Investment Bonds are structured as single-premium 'Life Insurance' policies, with a portion paid out upon death, though they function as investment products. These typically require a minimum investment of £5,000 to £10,000, and may have term restrictions and varying charges. You can withdraw up to 5% per year tax-deferred until the Bond is fully cashed in. This makes Investment Bonds attractive for tax-efficient income or wealth transfer. UK Investment Bonds are taxed under UK Life Fund rules, with the basic rate of Income Tax considered paid, meaning no additional Capital Gains or basic rate tax liability on gains. If you're a higher or additional rate taxpayer now but expect to become a basic rate taxpayer (e.g. in retirement), deferring withdrawals beyond the 5% limit could reduce your tax liability. Chargeable events triggering Income Tax liability include withdrawing over the 5% allowance, full surrender, death of the policyholder, or maturity of a Bond. Assignment, or transferring ownership, allows tax planning between spouses or civil partners, with the gift exempt from Inheritance Tax and no Capital Gains Tax on the transfer. Assignments must be unconditional and outright. Special rules apply for Trustee-held Bonds. If you would like some further information on Bonds, please do get in touch. Sources:,,,called%20a%20deed%20of%20assignment.,,must%20be%20outright%20and%20unconditional .